Gender-affirming, mental health focused, trauma-informed FUNctional fitness.

Book a FREE intake session to find out your movement style.

Our Certified Personal Trainer will get to know your gender journey, what your goals are, and then guide you through a movement analysis. You’ll gain free, valuable insight into your movement style, and then you decide if we’re right for you.

C.J. (he/him, transmasculine)

“Li has made fitness accessible, shame-free, and even joyful for the first time since I was a kid, and I can’t thank them enough.”

Alex (they/them, trans non-binary)

“Li did such an amazing, amazing job of their yoga classes, it was just a party. They have such a beautiful flow style.”

Are you queer, trans, questioning, or dare to exist outside of society’s patriarchal box?

Here at GenderFlex, we talk pronouns before poses. Unlike most traditional fitness settings, we will not assume your gender based on looks and will affirm your gender identity using your unique pronouns. And if we mess up, we’ll own it and correct it!

Do you ever feel like you’re being judged at the gym, by yourself or anyone else?

Here at GenderFlex, we believe in body neutrality. Your body is uniquely yours, and no one has the right to make you feel less-than because of it. We will not judge you or the body that carries you. We will help you connect with it and learn how to move it safely, though!

Do you ever feel anxious, depressed, lonely, and/or unfocused, and struggle to juggle it all?

Sometimes moving our bodies can help release and relieve a lot of heavy emotions that we deal with every day. Exercise can increase endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, all chemicals in the brain that can help improve symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD, and overall mental health.

We’d love to hear from you!

Tell us more about you to get free weekly movement tips, gender affirmations, and mental health reminders (and updates on special discounts, events, and schedule changes).